English Game
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Given below is a sample character sketch of a person you know

Tarun belongs to a middleclass family. He is tall, muscular, talented and brilliant athlete. He remains unrecognized. He is a mediocre student whose grades barely satisfy his parents. They thought that he was good for nothing. This made him feel miserable. He considered himself to be the black sheep of the family. He wanted to be a fast runner. He would get up every morning and run. Once, Tarun got the opportunity of meeting Ram Narayan, an Olympian. It was he who recognized the talents of the great athlete in Tarun.

Go through the character sketch and match the following

  1. Words describing his physique 
  2. Words describing his quality". 

  3. Likes/dislikes 

  4. Hobbies  

  5. Education 

  6. Family’s opinion 

  7. Family status  
  8. What does he think of himself 

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