English Game
                        Drag and Drop the Options

                       Govt. Model HSS, Pariyaram


Dear friends

The Social Science Club of our school has decided to conduct a seminar on the topic "Right to Education and the Present-Day Realities." Dr Sudarshan, a famous social activist and thinker has consented to inaugurate the function. Smt.Meera (writer) Sri. Subhash Thayyil (Social Activist), Dr Sreekumar (Child Psychologist) and Smt. Sulochana (Journalist) will present papers in the seminar.

                        Date:15.12. 2020
                        Time:2.00 pm
                        Venue: School Auditorium

                                 Secretary Social Science Club

                        "ALL ARE WELCOME ",

  1. Who is organizing the seminar? 
  2. Name the topic of the seminar.". 
  3. Who will inaugurate the programme? 
  4. When does the programme take place?  
  5. How many people are presenting papers in the seminar? 

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