IT Quiz
1. Sun Microsystems was acquired by which company?


2. Which company logo is made up of 8 U ‟ s?

Sun Microsystems

3. Ollie is the official mascot of which famous mobile company?


4.Which language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup?


5. Which company was the first to launch 3G services in India?

NTT Docomo

6. What is Rediff ‟ s chat icon popularly known as?

Rediff Bol

7. Which company would you associate with Sanjay Mehrotra?


8.Expand the name of the company “HTC”?

High Tech corporation

9. It is a version of Google's Android operating system designed for smartwatches and other werables.

Wear OS

10. ആദ്യത്തെ IMAX സിനിമ

The Old Man and The Sea