1. One among the following is not coming under schools for Special Education. Quote it.
2. The term of Office of the member of the State Education Advisory Board, other than the Ex-officio members shall be ___________ years.
3. Every school shall maintain an Admission Register in Form No. ___________
4. Part-Time teachers may, with the approval of the Educational Officer, be allowed to work as such in more than one school, but not more than __________
5. So as to get a Full-Time post of Lower Grade in Arabic Teacher in a Lower Primary School, the minimum aggregate number of pupils required in all the four standards together to study Arabic is _________
6. A Register to be maintained to enter all important events connected with the school such as the introduction of new books, apparatus or course of instruction etc. is known as _________
7. Quote the one which is not coming under the General classification of the schools.
8. Management shall have the meaning as __________
9. When an aided Training School is closed down, all of its records and accounts shall be handed over to the ___________ concerned.
10. The Director may on his own motion or otherwise call for records of the orders relating to approval of appointments issued by the subordinate officers and revise the same. Which Rule in chapter XIV of KERs provides so?