1. Scrutiny of the staff fixation shall be completed as an the end of _________ every year.
2. Age limit of five years for admissible shall be completed as an the 1st of ______________ of the year.
3. The entries in part 1 of the Service Book of a clerk of an aided school is to be attested by ____________
4.Educational Department Calendar is published by ____________
5. Headmaster should enter all important events connected with the school in ______
6. The records and accounts of a closed down school shall be handed over to the Educational Officer by __________
7. Minimum number of periods required per week to sanction a full time post of HST (Sanskrit) is _________________
8. Appeal against a staff fixation order issued by the Assistant Educational Officer shall be submitted before the ____________
9. In order to introduce Arabic in standard I, the minimum number of pupil required to study that langue is
10. A teacher is continuing under suspension beyond 15 days under the permission of the Assistant Educational Officer concerned. To whome he can file appeal against it?