1. Minimum site area required for a High School is ____________hectares
2. The date of determination of age for eligibility for appointment shall be the ____________of the year in which the appointment is to be made
3. If the Educational Agency has schools in more than one revenue district, the authority to approve the seniority list of its t
4. Which rule in Chapter XXIII empower the Joint Director of Public Instruction to revise the orders issued by the Deputy Directors of Education on the basis of rules under Chapter XXIII
5. The manager of an aided High School wishes to impose the penalty of compulsory retirement on a delinquent teacher. From whom he should obtain previous sanction for it?
6. The Kerala Education Rules, 1959 came into force with effect from ________
7.Qualified teachers appointed in vacancies which are not permanent which extend over the summer vacation, can be retained during vacation if their continuous service on the closing day is not less than __________
8. The age limit for re-admission to standard X in the case of pupils belonging to Scheduled Castes who have failed in the SSLC Examination in their first appearance will be __________years
9. An aided L.P School teacher was placed under suspension beyond 15 days with the previous permission of the authority concerned. The teacher can file appeal against it before
10.An aided High School with standard V to X have the effective strength of 3000 pupils. If so, the number of post/posts of Lower Division Clerk admissible is