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1. When a regular vacancy of H.S.T. (Physical Science) is arose, first preference shall be given to __________

(a) Rule 51 A Claimant
(b) Rule 43 Claimant
(c) Protected Teacher from the same management
(d) Fresh hand

2. A teacher was relieved on account of reduction of post after 5 years of service. Two years later he was re-appointed against a vacancy which was not permanent. The initial pay on reappointment will be __________

(a) The same pay he was getting at the time of relief
(b) Pay admissible as if he was not relieved
(c) Minimum of the scale of pay attached to the post
(d) Minimum plus 2 increments of the scale of pay attached to the post

3. A teacher shall not himself terminate his service before the expiry of the term of his appointment without the permission of ______________

(a) Headmaster
(b) Manager
(c) Educational Officer
(d) Director of Public Instruction

4. A teacher was elected as President of a Grama Panchayath. Special leave without pay was granted to him for the entire period of holding such office. The leave period will not count for the benefit of _________

(a) Increment
(b) Higher Grade
(c) Pension
(d) Leave

5. The authority competent to grant Casual leave to the Headmaster

(a) Manager
(b) Himself
(c) Educational Officer
(d) Staff council

6. The authority competent to grant previous sanction to keep the Headmaster of an aided U.P. School under suspension beyond 15 days is the __________

(a) District Educational Officer
(b) Assistant Educational Officer
(c) Director of Public Instruction
(d) Deputy Director (Education)

7.The time limit within which the order on the validity of the suspension of an aided school teacher is to be issued

(a) within 15 days from the date of suspension
(b) within 15 days from the 16th day of suspension
(c) within 30 days for the date of suspension
(d) within 3 months for the date of suspension

8. The authority to impose the penalty of censure on a Headmaster of an aided high school shall be the ____________

(a) District Educational Officer
(b) Deputy Director (Education)
(c) Manager
(d) Director of Public Instruction

9. Which among the following rules in Chapter XIV A prescribes the procedure for imposing major penalties?

(a) 65
(b) 75
(c) 67
(d) 76

10. Manager with held the annual increment of an Upper Primary School Teacher for 6 months and the Assistant Educational Officer ratified it. The authority to which the teacher can file an appeal against it, is ________

(a) District Educational Officer
(b) Director of Public Instruction
(c) Government
(d) Deputy Director (Education)
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