
05 : 00

1. The Measurement prescribed for a class room in U.P Section prescribed is :

(a) 6 x 6 x 3.7 Mts
(b) 6 x 5.5 x 3.7 Mts
(c) 6 x 6 x 3.5 Mts
(d) 6.5 x 6.5 x 3.7 Mts

2. The competent authority to issue notice for withdrawing the recognition of a primary school which does not maintain the required minimum strength is :

(a) Dist. Ednl. Officer
(b) Director
(c) deputy Director
(d) Asst. Ednl. Officer

3. The authority for effecting the promotion of a pupil to a higher standard in a Primary School is :

(a) Class Teacher
(b) Asst. Ednl Officer
(c) Headmaster
(d) Note the above three

4. The authority for issuing L.P.C of a Asst. Teacher transferred from one school to another is :

(a) Ednl. Officer
(b) Headmaster
(c) Manager
(d) Senior Asst.

5. The competent authority for making new appoinments in aided ahigher Secondary Schools is :

(a) R.D.D (H.S.E)
(b) D.D (Education)
(c) Principal
(d) Manager

6. The competent authority to condone the delay in submitting application for maintenance grant for 3 months :

(a) D. D. E
(b) Director
(c) Ednl. Officer
(d) Government

7. A Teacher appointed on temporary basis in a leave vacancy which terminates during vacation is to be terminated from service on :

(a) On the date of termination of vacancy
(b) On the last day of vacation
(c) On the last working day prior to the vacation
(d) On the next sixth working day

8. The Officer who is competent to attest part 1 of the Service Book of an Aided Pry. School teacher is :

(a) Deputy Director
(b) Asst. Ednl. Officer
(c) Manager
(d) Headmaster

9. The rule under which the right of a re-trenched hand of an aided school due to termination of vacancy for re-appointment is guaranteed as per Chapter XIV A K.E.R is :

(a) Rule 51
(b) Rule 37
(c) Rule 43
(d) Rule 51 A

10. The name of Officer who has got immediate inspectional control over atraining school is :

(a) D.D.E
(b) D.P.I
(c) D.E.O
(d) Director,SCERT
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