
Practice Test

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1. Reappropriation is permissible

2. When any building or any land or other property belonging to the Government is let to a person not in the service of Government, the full assessed rent for each month should always be recovered from him in advance. In this case, A tenant who is in receipt of a pension should be treated as

3. The Executive Engineers concerned may submit monthly returns of residential buildings to the Accountant General. Then how the Warden's quarters attached to hostels is shown in the monthly returns?

4. Every Head of Department should submit annually on or before the 1st June to the Accountant General, a statement showing

5. Counter signature by the superior authority is not required

6. The Travelling Allowance Bills of Gazetted Officers requiring countersignature by Controlling Officers should be countersigned by them before they are paid. While paying the travelling allowance bills of chief secretary, counter signature may be done by

7. Part-time contingent posts may be created with Government sanction for sweeping or cleaning work. The incumbents of these posts shall be paid pay and dearness allowance at the rate fixed by Government from time to time. The expenditure on this account will be debited to the detailed head

8. The transaction of Government business often necessitates the placing of funds at the disposal of Government servants as temporary cash advances for public purposes. These are subsequently adjusted as expenditure under the appropriate heads of account or recovered from the parties concerned. When such advances are free of interest, they are shown in the accounts as ''Advances Repayable'', under various minor heads. Find which is not related to these.

9. Special Advances not includes

10. Which of the following not fall under Revenue advances