1. Who is competent to withhold or withdraw pension?
Head of Department
Director of Treasuries
Accountant general
2. What is the maximum number of days of leave that can be granted to a female officer without production of medical certificate in continuation of maternity leave?
30 days
90 days
60 days
120 days
3. What kind of pension can be given if a post held by an officer is abolished and the officer is not willing to accept the another appointment?
Compensatory pension
Superannuation pension
Retiring pension
Invalid pension
4. What is the maximum time allowed for a new entrant in Government service, who has not crossed the age of 50 years, to subscribe to a policy in the official branch of the state life insurance?
6 months
1 year
1 month
3 months
5. An officer joined service on 01.07.1986 and retired on 31.07.2019. If his qualifying service is 28 years 5 months and 28 days and average emoluments Rs, 97,000/- What would be his monthly pension?
Rs. 45266
Rs. 45267
Rs. 48500
Rs. 45000
6. What is the maximum number of stagnation increments that can be granted to an officer?
Four, out of which three annual and one biennial
Five, out of which four annual and one biennial
Three, out of which two will be annual and one biennial
Five, out of which three annual and two biennial
7. Rules for the grant of leave to officers appointed for limited period is regulated in:
Appendix XII A part I KSR
Appendix VII part I KSR
Appendix VIII part I KSR
Appendix V part I KSR
8. Time limit to perform journey of the members of the family to the home of an officer who dies in service for claiming transfer travelling allowance:
Within three months from the date of death
Within six months from the date of death
Within one month from the date of death
Within one year from the date of death
9. Maximum distance of single journey allowed for hiring Taxi/Autorikshaw in connection with journeys on tour.
10 km
20 km
8 km
15 km
10. An High School Assistant entered in service on 16.10.2019. How many days of casual leave that can be taken before 31.12.2019?
10 days
8 days
20 days
15 days