1. A teacher whose date of birth 02.07.1963 was allowed to continue in service till:
None of the above
2. A Government employee has retired from service of 7 years as on 31.08.2019. The exgratia pension admissible to him is
Rs. 3400
Rs. 6800
Rs. 5950
Rs. 7650
3. A pensioner drawing a pension of Rs. 20,000, was re-employed on 01.07.2019 in a post on a time scale of Rs. 18,000-41,500 and the pay fixed Rs. 29,900. The pay of the re-employed pensioner for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance will be:
Rs. 41,500
Rs. 29,900
Rs. 48,000
Rs. 42,000
4. An officer of Government travelling on University business will receive travelling allowance from
Government according to University Rules
University according to Government Rules
University according to its Rules
Government according to its rules
5. The Ex gratia pension scheme came into force with effect from:
6. An employee dismissed for insolvency deserved special consideration and compassionate allowance is granted. The allowance should not exceed:
1/2 of the pension which would have been admissible if the employee had retired on the date of dismissal
2/3 of the pension which would have been admissible if the employee had retired on the date of dismissal
3/4 of the pension which would have been admissible if the employee had retired on the date of dismissal
None of the above
7. Service rendered by an employee till he has completed 18 years of age will qualify for:
Retiring pension
Invalid pension
Compensation gratuity
Death cum retirement gratuity
8. Higher rate of family pension payable in the case of an employee dies while in service shall not exceed:
50% of the basic pay (inclusive of dearness pay if any) last drawn subject to maximum of twice the family pension admissible
twice the amount of family pension
60% of the basic pay (inclusive of dearness pay if any)
None of the above
9. Medical examination is not required for commutation of pension in the case of superannuation pension, if the application for commutation is made within:
2 years from the date of retirement
3 years from the date of retirement
4 years from the date of retirement
1 year from the date of retirement
10. An officer having qualifying service of 30 years from 31.12.2019 and his pay as Rs. 72,000 with effect from 01.03.2019 in the scale of pay of Rs. 42500-87000. If the rate of dearness allowance 20%. the death cum retirement gratuity admissible is:
Rs. 12,00,000
Rs. 14,00,000
Rs. 7,00,000
Rs. 12,96,000