1. An employee with 6 years of qualifying service died while in service. The Death-cum-retirement Gratuity admissible is:
6 months emoluments last drawn
3 months emoluments last drawn
2 months emoluments last drawn
12 times of emoluments last drawn
2. In the case of invalid pension minimum Gratuity admissible is:
1/2 months emoluments for each completed year of service
12 months emoluments last drawn
16½ months emoluments last drawn
20 months emoluments last drawn
3. Family pension of a deceased nun of a Catholic convent is payable to:
Mother superior of the convent
Father of the deceased nun
No family pension is admissible
Nominee of the deceased nun
4. Maximum weightage of qualifying service for invalid pension:
5 years
12 years
10 years
3 years
5. If an officer is on leave for 3 months during the last 10 months of his service, his average emoluments for pension is calculated as:
Pay of the last 10 months considering the period of leave as duty
Period of last 10 months excluding the period of leave
Pay of the last 7 months
Average pay of last 10 months before the period of leave
6. Maximum period of qualifying service taken for DCRG:
10 years
30 years
20 years
33 years
7. Minimum qualifying service required for superannuation pension:
20 years
10 years
30 years
33 years
8. An employee retired from service on superannuation on 31.5.2023. He was drawing Rs.60,700/- from 1.7.2021 and Rs.62,200/- from 1.7.2022. Average emoluments for pension is:
9. An employee retired from service on superannuation on 31.12.2022. He was drawing Rs.60,700/- from 1.7.2022 and 7% of DA. DCRG admissible to him is —————— (He has 30 years of qualifying service).