Substantive pay means:
Pay entitled to an officer for which he is holding a substantive post
Pay of an officer holding a provisional post
Pay of an officer in foreign service
Pay of an officer whose probation is not declared
Officers who are exempted from producing a Medical certificate for joining service:
Officers who disappeared and whereabouts were unknown appeared and reported for duty
An officer dismissed from service and reinstated
An officer retired and reappointed immediately after retirement
An officer resigned from service and withdrew the resignation
Service which is not counted for increment:
Period of maternity leave
Leave without allowances on medical ground
Period of suspension which is treated eligible leave
Leave without allowances for private employment
What is biennial increment?
Two increments in a year
Increment granted in two years
Increment granted prematurely
Only two increments in a cadre without considering length of service
Barring of increments with cumulative effect is:
Increments withheld for a certain period and release them with previous effect
Pay is made stagnant
Increments are barred for a temporary period and release without any loss
Increments are barred for a stipulated period and later sanction them only after the period of punishment and without any previous effect
Reimbursement of the cost of spectacles is sanctioned to Govt. servant for:
For each financial year
Once in five years
Once in three years
Once in the entire service
An officer with less than 3 years of service is eligible for leave without allowances at a time up to a maximum days of:
90 days
120 days
180 days
30 days
Maximum period of HRA admissible to an officer under suspension:
For entire period of suspension
HRA is not admissible
6 months
3 months
Maximum number of compensation leave admissible to an officer in a calendar year:
15 days
20 days
10 days
30 days
Find out HPL at credit of an officer as on 1.4.2023. Entered service on 26.3.2019:
20 HPL
60 HPL
40 HPL
80 HPL