An officer with 32 years of qualifying service retired from service on 30.11.2022. He was drawing Rs. 91,200/- from 1.8.2021 and Rs.93,400/- from 1.8.2022. He will get a monthly pension of:
When an employee wishes to withdraw resignation, it may either be permitted or rejected. But when a request for withdrawal, which has already become effective, is accepted the concurrence of which authority is required:
Kerala Public Service Commission
Accountant General
Both Finance and Public Service Commission
When a member of a family of an Officer follows him within Six months from the date of transfer, the date of transfer of the officer means the date on which the officer:
Receives the transfer order
Starts journey
Hands over charge at the old station
Takes over charge at the new station
An Officer in a vacation department had not enjoyed the vacation for 20 days. (Total number of vacation is 60 days). The earned leave due to him is:
20 days
15 days
10 days
2 days
Half Pay Leave will accrue subject to a maximum of:
180 days
300 days
120 days
No ceiling
Government servants representing India in International events are allowed Special Casual Leave of not exceeding:
90 days
60 days
30 days
45 days
Compensatory Allowances including HRA and CCA payable to an Officer under suspension up to a period of —————— days.
120 days
150 days
180 days
240 days
A Government Servant who has been granted leave not due, applies for permission to retire voluntarily:
He should be allowed to retire on the expiry of leave
The LND allowed should be cancelled
The matter will be referred to government
The Leave Sanctioning Authority is free to take any action
Pension ceases payable if it remains undrawn for:
More than one year
More than two years
More than three years
More than three months
The minimum service required for availing NRA from GPF Account is: