1. Officers dismissed from Govt. Service, a monthly allowance is granted to deserving cases, an amount not exceeding two-third of the pension admissible had he retired from service on the date of dismissal.
subsistence allowance
daily allowance
compassionate allowance
monthly allowance
2. Pension granted to an officer subject to maximum of 75% of pension admissible when there is a delay in settlement of claim of pension after retirement is known as
superannuation pension
provisional pension
anticipatory pension
invalid pension
3. An officer travelled by Bus along with his wife in the transfer journey. The claim for Road journey in respect of the family of the officer
Thrice the mileage
Single mileage
Actual bus fare
4. For joining first appointment travelling allowance is admissible to
Police officers
Forest rangers
To any person appointed to Public works, Medical or any other Dept. requiring technical skills and knowledge
Fire fighting personnel
5. An officer transferred from Kollam to Kottayam for two months and returned to Kollam on completion of two months in Kottayam T.A. admissible to the officer is
Transfer T.A. admissible
Tour T.A. along with daily allowance for halt for two months are eligible
Transfer T.A. without family
Actual fare and incidental charges are only admissible
6. An officer on voluntary retirement on 31.3.2022, his pension is fixed at Rs.47,500/- His age at next birthday 52 years. What is the commutation value of pension for Rs.1/-
7. T.A. admissible to officers for attending obligatory Dept. test for _______ chances.
only one chance
three chances
two chances
T.A. not admissible for attending Departmental test
8. How the overstayal of joining time is regularised?
by granting eligible leave in the old station
by granting casual leave
overstayal is treated as break
treated as additional joining time
9. Pension contribution in respect of an officer on deputation to foreign service will be
25% of the maximum of the scale of pay of the officer on deputation per month
10% of the minimum of the scale of pay of the officer on deputation per annum
No need for remittance of pension contribution
15% of the maximum of the scale of pay of the officer per month
10. A female officer on deputation entered into maternity leave, her leave will be sanctioned by
Accountant general
By the Government
Foreign employer
Parent Department