1. An officer who is not authorised to travel by air but who performs a journey by air on tour can draw only the Travelling Allowance to which he would have been entitled if he had travelled by rail, road or steamer. It is mentioned in Kerala Service Rules
Part II Rule 44
Part II Rule 31
Part II Rule 35
None of the above
2. The authority competent to accept the resignation of the Government Servant
Head of Office
Controlling Officer
Appointing Authority
Head of the Department
3. The nomination for pension and pensionery benefits made by an employee who is not married shall become invalid on his/her getting married is mentioned in Kerala Service Rules
None of the above
No such rule in existence
Part III Rule 86
Part III Rule 78
4. All applications for commutation of pension shall be addressed to
Head of Office
The Finance Secretary through the head of the Department
The Authority Competent to Sanction Pension
No such application is required
5. An extra ordinary family pension will take effect from _________ following the death of the employee or from such other date as Government may decide.
The first day of next month
The day
The date of death
The first day of the month in which death occurred
6. Basic Pay of an employee as on 01.8.2021 was Rs.50,200 and his basic pay changed to Rs. 52,600 with effect from 01.01.2022. He retired from service on 31.5.2022. Calculate the average emolument. (No interruption in service was recorded during the above period)
None of the above
7. The authority competent to sanction compassionate allowance is ___________
Head of Office as per the recommendation of the Government
Head of the Department as per the recommendation of the Government
The authority competent to dismiss the Government employee
Accountant General
8. If the retirement of an employee takes place while on leave not due, the retirement shall be effective from
Date of commencement of leave not due
At the end of the leave not due
First day of the next month
The date can be decided by the Head of the Department
9. As per Kerala Service Rules the normal rate of family pension is
None of the above
Equal to the pension amount of the deceased pensioner
50% of the last pay drawn
30% of the last pay drawn
10. The maximum number of earned leave that can be accumulated is ___________ days.
No limit
None of the above