1. An amount of Rs. 1,500 was received by a Government employee from the All India Radio towards remuneration for participating in a quiz competition organised by them without seeking sanction from Government for this
-Permission from Head of Office was necessary
Permission from Head of the Department was necessary
Permission from Government was not necessary
Permission from Government was necessary
2. A retired officer can submit application for commutation of pension without medical examination within
Six months from the date of retirement
Three years from the date of retirement
One year from the date of retirement
Three months from the date of retirement
3. A joint secretary in Government Secretariat retired from service after a service of 33 years and 2 months. The maximum service counted for calculation of Death Cum Retirement Gratuity
33 years
35 years
30 years
34 years
4. Which one of the following leaves cannot be retrospectively commutted?
Half Pay Leave
Commutted Leave
Earned Leave
Leave not due
5. Leave without Allowance granted to a female officer in continuation of Maternity Leave for 60 days as per rule 102 Part I KSR will not count for
Accumulation of Earned Leave
Accumulation of Half Pay Leave
6. Leave Salary for special disability leave is
Earned Leave Salary for first one month and Half Pay Leave Salary there after
Earned Leave Salary for first four months and Half Pay Leave Salary there after
Earned Leave Salary for first three months and Half Pay Leave Salary there after
Earned Leave Salary for first two months and Half Pay Leave Salary there after
7. The maximum period of leave not due that can be granted without Medical Certificate is limited to
90 days
240 days
180 days
360 days
8. Which among the following should not be deducted from the subsistence allowance of an employee?
Subscription to General Provident Fund
Amount due to co-operative stores and co-operative credit societies
Income Tax
Refund of advances taken from General Provident Fund
9. What is the minimum service required for an employee to retire voluntarily?
No such restriction
30 years
9 years and 1 day
20 years
10. Joining time pay of an officer is equal to
None of the above
Minimum of the scale of pay of the new post
The eligible pay fixed in the new office
The pay which was drawn before relinquishment of charge in the old post