1. Not more than ___________ is allowed to an officer in order to join a new post when the appointment to such post does not necessarily involve a change of residence from one station to another.
None of the above
6 days (preparation time) + eligible journey time
1 day
2 days
2. No leave may be granted to a Gazetted Officer until a report as to the admissibility of the leave has been obtained from the ____________
Head of the Department
Audit Officer
None of the above
3. Casual leave, not being recognised as leave
Can not be retrospectively commutted into any other kind of leave
Can be retrospectively commutted into any other kind of leave
Can / cannot be retrospectively commuted into any other kind of leave depends upon the discretion of the officer who is competent to grant casual leave
None of the above
4. A recurring or non-recurring payment granted to an officer from the General Revenues of the state as remuneration for special work of an occasional or intermittant character is ____________
Compensatory allowance
None of the above
5. The year and month of birth of an officer is known but the date of birth is unknown. Then the date of birth shall be taken as
1st day of the month
16th day of the month
15th day of the month
Last day of the month
6. An officer got normal increment with effect from 01.01.2019 and he was on Leave without Allowance (Without Medical Certificate) from 01.3.2019 to 31.5.2019 and was on Leave without Allowance (with medical certificate) from 01.8.2019 to 30.9.2019. What is the date on which he will get his next normal increment?
7. The eligible leave that can be granted to an officer under suspension is __________
Half Pay Leave
Leave not due
Not eligible for any kind of leave
Commutted Leave
8. Total emoluments for Last 10 months of service of an officer is Rs. 7,20,318 and he has a qualifying service of 24 years and 8 months. The pension amount of the retired officer would be (Retired on 30.6.2022)
None of the above
9. As per the Latest Government Order the maximum period of Leave without allowance that can be granted to a Government servant to join spouse either abroad or within the country is
10 years
15 years
20 years
5 years
10. Admissible TA for a member of the officer's family who travels by train is __________ (The journey was in connection with the transfer of the employee).
Actual fare + Three incidental expenses
Actual fare + One incidental expenses
Actual fare + Two incidental expenses
Actual fare only