1. The officers of Government travelling on university business will receive Travelling Allowance direct from the __________ according to the existing rules.
None of the above
Not eligible
Department Concerned
2. Travelling Allowance will be allowed to an officer on retirement (on superannuation) to enable him to proceed to any place within or outside the state if the journey is performed within __________ of the date of retirement.
3 months
6 months
12 months
1 month
3. An officer, when making a journey by air in a Government machine or in a machine chartered by Government for the purpose shall pay _________ as the case may be, to Government on behalf of each person not entitled to travel in that machine who may accompany him.
A first class full or half railway fare
An amount fixed by the Government
A first class half railway fare
A first class full railway fare
4. Non officials (including retired officials) serving in First Class Committee, Board etc. Will be allowed Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance at the rates admissible to ____________
A fixed amount
Third Grade Officers
First Grade Officers
Second Grade Officers
5. It is the duty of ___________ to scrutinize carefully the distance entered in Travelling Allowance bills before signing or countersigning the same.
The head of office
A controlling officer
The Head of the Department
The Goverment
6. In cases where the period of training exceeds _________ months, compensatory allowance will be granted to the different classes of officers deputed for training outside the state.
7. Daily Allowance may not be drawn for any day on which a Government Servant does not reach a point outside a radius of 8 Kms. from the duty point. This is exempted in the case of
Officers in charge of student police cadet
Vigilance Wing in Kerala Police
Malabar Special Police
All the above
8. Daily Allowance is calculated on the __________ and with reference to the grade to which officer belong.
Actual pay of the officer
Scale of pay of the officer concerned
Minimum of the scale of pay of the officer concerned
None of the above
9. For journeys performed by foot between places not connected by any public conveyance, officers of the _________ grade shall be given milage at the rate applicable for journeys by special conveyance.
10. When an officer performs both rail and air journies on the same day he will be allowed to draw the actual incidental expenses at the prescribed rates subject to a minimum of _________ for both the air and rail journey together.
None of the above
20% of the daily allowance
Half daily allowance
One daily allowance