1. The travelling allowance of officers for journeys on temporary transfers and relieving duties of not more than _________ duration will, however, be limited to the allowances that would have been admissible if such journeys were journeys on tour.
One month
Six months
Two months
Three months
2. An officer under suspension, if reinstated in service and posted to a station other than the one where he was working at the time of his suspension may be allowed Travelling Allowance for his journey to the new station on the basis of his
Pay in the post he was holding at the time of his suspension
Pay in the post to which he is reinstated
Pay in the post he was holding at the time of his suspension or pay in the post to which he is reinstated whichever is lower
Pay in the post he was holding at the time of his suspension or pay in the post to which he is reinstated whichever is higher
3. Calculate the DCRG admissible to an officer from the details given below : Qualifying Service : 29 years and one day Last pay drawn : Rs. 50,200 DA @ 7% Date of superannuation : 31.12.2022
4. An officer retired at the age of 56 years and commuted a portion of the pension at the age of 62. The commuted portion of pension will be restored after __________
9 years
11 years
10 years
12 years
5. The contributory family pension will be admissible in the case of unmarried daughter until she attains the age of __________ years or marriage or starts earning her livelihood whichever is earlier.
6. The service book of an employ, who was removed/dismissed from service should be retained __________ years by the Head of Office, if no case is pending in any court.
7. An officer is deputed for training at Bangalore for 35 days. The officer is eligible for Daily Allowance at
Full rate for 10 days and `3/4` rate for 25 days
Full rate for the whole period
Full rate for 30 days and `3/4` rate for 5 days
Full rate for 30 days and `1/2` rate for 5 days
8. When a Divisional Accountant is about to be relieved of his duties in a Divisional office, either permanently or temporarily, he should prepare the following.
All the above
The statement of all important liabilities and recoveries to be made from the staff or contractors
The Statement of the stock and other suspense accounts
Memorandum reviewing the accounts of the Division
9. The recovery from a contractor on account of the cost of materials issued to him for use on a work should ordinarily be made by deduction
From the final bill
From the second bill
From each part bill and final bill equally
From the first bill
10. Expenditure on the construction or maintenance of a work may be broadly divided into
Three classes
Four classes
Five classes
Two classes