1. The preparation of bill in the section office for a completed work after measurement of it is within _____________ from date of measurement
Three weeks
Two months
Two weeks
One month
2. The issue of materials should simultaneously be entered be in the account of materials issued to contractors in
KPW Form 24
KPW Form 29
KPW Form 31 A
KPW Form 31
3. Direction office is the office of
Superintending Engineer
Executive Engineer
Assistant Executive Engineer
None of the above
4. The formal acceptance of the proposals for incurring an expenditure in the PWD by the Administrative department concerned on a work is
Technical Sanction
Expenditure sanction
Administrative Sanction or approval
None of the above
5. Standard Measurement book is meant for
facilitating the preparation of estimate original road works
facilitating periodical repair works of the Govt. building
facilitating the preparation of estimate for maintenance works of the Govt. buildings
facilitating the preparation of estimate for special repairs of govt. buildings
6. The cash and stock accounts of the Divisional office for a month are closed ___________ of the Calender month
Once in every three weeks
On the last working day of the Calender month
Once in every fortnight
Once in a week
7. Schedule of works expenditure is prepared in
KPW Form 61
KPW Form 62
KPW Form 60
KPW Form 63
8. Non Government works are divided into
Two classes
Three classes
Four classes
Five classes
9. When deposit work is to be carried out, the local body or other party concerned should advance the gross estimated expenditure or the share which is payable by it, to the ___________ in one lump sum or in instalments
Divisional accountant
Superintending Engineer
Chief Engineer
Divisional Officer
10. Which of the following are grouped under the transactions of PWD?
Expenditure and Revenue Heads
Expenditure Revenue and Remittance Heads
Debt and Deposit Heads
Expenditure, Revenue, Remittance, Debt and Deposit Heads