In order to ensure that every Village remittance is duly credited in the treasury, which transacts its cash business through the bank, every treasury concerned shall maintain a register in Form:
TR 19✔X
TR 26✔X
TR 27✔X
When a large amount of cash is frequently kept in the chest, which type of lock shall be used and who will keep the key of the lock under safe custody?
Double lock with different pattern and key of the two locks shall be kept in the custody of two different Government Servants✔X
A single lock may be used and the key shall be kept in the custody of Treasury Officer✔X
Double lock may be used and key shall be kept by the Chief Treasurer✔X
The type of lock and custody of its key may be decided by the Treasury Officer concerned, who is in charge of the Treasury✔X
As far as PWD is concerned the actual balance in the cash chest of each office should be counted on–––––––––– day.
Last working day of each month✔X
First day of next month✔X
Once in every three month✔X
At the end of each day✔X
'Main Store' means:
The place where the things/materials stored✔X
The place from where the articles issued to Subordinate Offices✔X
The bulk of the treasury cash balance✔X
None of the above✔X
Whenever the double lock strong room is opened, the Officers who will be present at the time of opening are:
The Chief Treasurer and Cashier✔X
The Chief Treasurer with office attendant✔X
The Treasury Officer and Chief Treasurer✔X
The Treasury Officer only✔X
Currency chest balance consists partly of notes which are treated as:
Not 'in circulation'✔X
'In circulation'✔X
Money for transmission to Banks only as per their request✔X
None of the above✔X
The contents of the currency chest are the property of:
Treasury Director✔X
Treasury Officer concerned✔X
Reserve Bank of India✔X
The authority competent to issue the fitness certificate of a strong room of treasury is:
An officer not below the rank of an Executive Engineer, PWD✔X
Any Engineer who acquired B.Tech. Degree✔X
Chief Engineer, PWD✔X
Assistant Engineer of the concerned area✔X
Register of all the padlocks and keys belonging to the District Treasury and its Sub Treasuries should be maintained in form:
TR 29✔X
TR 27✔X
TR 27 A✔X
No separate form prescribed✔X
The fitness certificate of strong room issued by the competent authority should be kept in:
Kept under the safe custody of Treasury Officer✔X
Kept in the connected file✔X
Forwarded to the Director of Treasuries✔X
Should be hung up in a conspicuous place inside the strong room✔X